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sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010
Fim do UpBux
Aconteceu aquilo que muitos temeram assim que o UpBux começou a ter problemas com o PayPal, apesar dos esforços do admin r3x, que prontamente enviou toda a documentação requerida pelo processador, apesar dos muitos telefonemas que fez para o apoio telefónico, a conta PayPal que detinha 85% do dinheiro do UpBux continua congelada, o que levou a que o PTC tivesse de fechar por não ter dinheiro com que se sustentar.
O que precipitou esta decisão foi a falta de respostas que o apoio do PayPal tem dado sobre a situação, nunca avançando com uma data como previsão para a reabertura da conta, nem garantindo que tal chegue a acontecer.
O UpBux estava a estabelecer-se como uma das melhores apostas do mundo dos sites PTC, o que fez crescer a confiança de muitos membros que acabaram por investir no site, e até hoje não existiam reclamações sobre atrasos nos pagamentos, pelo que esta situação acaba por prejudicar muitas pessoas, levando-as a perder a confiança no PayPal, que afirma ter agido em nome da segurança dos mesmos.
Por outro lado todos nós sabemos que os Termos de Serviço do processador são bastante explicitos e rígidos, tendo sido criados para garantir a transparência das trocas de dinheiro entre os seus utilizadores e as empresas associadas, o que nos leva a temer que este problema possa vir a acontecer novamente sempre que um site PTC consiga crescer aos níveis que o UpBux chegou, sem que antes tenha previsto a sua regularização tal como fez o Neobux, único PTC que cumpre todos os requisitos de associação com o PayPal.
2010/02/17 at 22:50
Dear Members,
We want to speak the truth to you.
PayPal limited our account, and after 5 days without sleep and many phone calls
We have not received a single answer, no reason for the limitation of our account.
Our team has worked very hard during these 4 months, day and night to bring a confident and happy environment for our members.
And I see that all you have always supported us. Unfortunately now that decision is no longer in our hands.
I did the impossible and what was in my power so that we can follow with UpBux, but despite all of our efforts, it seems impossible to fight with this great Mafia perhaps one of the largest in America.
They limit our account and about 85% of all our funds were in our PayPal account.
Then it has become became impossible to continue.
Have you ever heard of the PayPal Mafia? Each day that passes, this fact is proved.
Some ex-employees and ex-managers of PayPal. See their testimony and draw their own conclusions:
" 1. If you ARE frozen, accept the reality that this isn't some mistake that can be corrected by an e-mail or phone call to a nice customer service person; you've been SCREWED, and it's NO accident or misunderstanding. This company is now your enemy and is probably not inclined to do anything to help you, unless you're one of those unfrozen for "show" purposed as described above- but I'll bet they don't even account for 2%. So don't waste your time with "customer-no-service" e-mails and phone calls. Yes, most of the contact numbers listed on this site are accurate and the people listed are real employees- but believe me; they generally have NO power to say anything but "NO." If you've been frozen, your "case" goes to a special group within "customer service" who's entire mission statement could be summed up as "we've got the money, we're going to keep the money, so explain this to the customer in any plausible fashion- as long as the final answer remains ''we get to keep the money'." Also, these folks will oftern be extremely rude to you- which is all part of the plan; you weren't really supposed to call them in the first place, and they don't want you to even THINK about calling back. Those repeated requests for copies of drivers licences and so forth are simply a ruse and a stall tactic. Believe me... they KNOW who you are, and this information does NOT keep getting misplaced. They're wearing you down, and it usually works. By the THIRD request for you to gather and send the same information, they most people will simply give up and say "it's not worth it." Don't threaten to sue or waste your money having a lawyer send PP a threatening letter, 'cause it dosen't work. People who SAY "I'm gonna sue" DON'T 99.9% of the time, and PP knows this. What DOES work is to hire an attorney and actually FILE SUIT. When they're hit with requests for discovery and are faced with having to send executives to depositions and so forth- most of the time your case will be "re-investigated". You'll then be cleared and your money will be returned. If that dosen't fix it, then, for some reason Pay-Pay must really, really feel that you ARE scamming. Most people simply won't go this far, since hiring an attorney, filing suit and so forth actually exceeds what PP has taken from you- and believe me, they DO know this.
For buyers the answer is real simple: NEVER use PP under any circumstances. Ever. You simply have NO control over who has access to your information, and your bank wouldn't touch some of these PP people with a ten-foot pole. Want to use a credit card to pay for an auction item but don't want to get double and fraudently billed? Go down to the bank, use that same credit card to buy a cashiers check, then mail it to the seller. You have the exact same protection doing business that way as you do through Pay Pal, but you avoid the numerous risks of involving yourself with them- which, of course, go WAY beyond having to eat a thousand dollar loss because some guy didn't send your merchandise. "
Read More:
Read More: Alexa Reviews about PayPal
"The company does not make decisions on your accounts. All decisions are made by one person on the Omaha fraud team. The decision to lift the limited access on your account comes from one person in resolution services. If someone on the fraud team makes a quote "no appeals" you are done. The resolution services team will not even try to lift the limited access on your account but will continue to tell you that you need to fax in documentation. "
Read More:
Sorry members, but unfortunately all this is the fault of this company PayPal.
If PayPal someday realize his mistake and stop taking money from honest people, we will return.
See Several testimonials from users of PayPal and companies that had harmed by the Mafia:
Recommended Reading, The true face of PayPal.
Your Team.
quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2010
Estatísticas UpBux - Jan/10
Post contendo as estatísticas do Site UpBux de Jan/10.
Referidos Alugados: 700
Referidos Diretos: 7
Clicks diarios: 630 à 720
Ganho Diario: U$ 6,30 à 7,20
No mês de Janeiro houve manutenção do UpBux. O site ficou indisponivel por 4 dias. Por isso que o gráfico de clicks dos referidos alugados apresenta um formato de escada. Atualmente as médias já estão normalizadas.
terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010
Estatísticas NeoBux - Jan/10
Post contendo as estatísticas do Site NeoBux de Jan/10.
Referidos Alugados: 4199
Referidos Diretos: 6
Clicks diarios: 3500 à 3800
Ganho Diario: U$ 35,00 à 38,00
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